Sleep is crucial for our health and wellbeing as this is when our bodies are able to self heal, both physically and mentally. Those who prioritise sleep are often more able to tackle the day with clarity and energy, helping them to deal with life’s unexpected stresses and strains better than those that don’t feel well rested. However, prioritising sleep isn’t always that easy, for some people they can can calve put the time for a early night but struggle to get to sleep or even stay asleep. A trend report earlier this year highlighted the top 5 trends to watch in the wellness sector and sleep ranked as the second-highest health and wellness priority but what was worrying was that it also showed that sleep was where consumers said they have the most unmet needs, showing that the vast majority of individuals want to improve their sleep but feel unable to.
Improving sleep quality can involve several lifestyle changes and the creation of new habits that might take time to get used to before you see results but if you can implement the majotity of the below tips you should see an improvement in your sleep quality.
Lifestyle and Dietary Adjustments
- Limit Caffeine: If you remove caffeine from your diet then that would be beneficial but if not then simply try to limit your caffeine intake in the afternoons and evenings. Opt for caffeine free alternatives of your favourites or replace them with something else like juice or water instead. Sometimes that mid afternoon coffee is more of a habit than a necessity.
- Reduce Alcohol: Again where possible don’t consume alcohol, especially if you know you need a good nights sleep as it can disrupt your sleep quality. Try alcohol free alternatives or something different entirely like Kombucha, which is still delicious but has health benefits and wont negatively impact your sleep.
- Healthy Diet: Try and eat a healthy balanced diet with less sugar and more protein. Also try and avoid heavy or large meals within a few hours of bedtime as this can leave you feeling uncomfortable and means your body is working hard to digest the food. You may also want to focus on including food items that are designed to be beneficial to sleep quantity and quality like bone broth.

- Stay Hydrated: Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. If you don’t love water then why not try some vitamin sachets like ViDrate that you can add to your water to improve the taste and nutritional value. They even have one specifically designed to prepare your body for an unbeatable night sleep. The ViDrate Night Time is packed with electrolytes, 5-HTP, L-Theanine & Magnesium to help your body rest & unwind after a busy day. Enjoy 60-90 mins before bed, hot or cold with 300-500ml of water.

- Introduce Supplements: To further enhance your diet why not try supplements, especially ones that re designed to help improve sleep quality. The fabU R&R relax are made from the world’s best botanical extracts, herbs, plants and mushrooms with vitamins and minerals, specifically Ashwagandha (the renowned Ayurvedic herb), and Lemon balm, L-theanine from green tea, and Chamomile, B vitamins, and magnesium to promote relaxation, a calm state of mind and a more restful and restorative sleep.

Physical Activity
- Regular Exercise: Although you are feeling tired and physical activity is the last thing you want to do it can actually be very beneficial for improving sleep quality. Create a routine where you exercise early to mid morning where possible.
Avoid Naps
- Limit Naps: When we feel tired in the day it can be easy to allow ourselves to have a short nap in the hope that we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start again. The problem with this is that your body then isn’t ready for another sleep come bed time and the cycle continues. Try to avoid napping and power through where possible and then follow the below tips to get a good night sleep. If you feel like you absolutely need to nap then limit it 30 minutes and avoid napping too late in the afternoon.
Manage Stress
- Relaxation Techniques: Taking the time to relax and clear your mind before bed can help that bed time anxiety and overthinking when you’re trying to drift off. Try using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga or journaling. If you are unsure how or where to start then you can follow you tube videos and tutorials and try these 17 journaling prompts.
- Balance Hormones: Magnesium is a mineral that our bodies crave when we are stressed. It’s essential for all of us, but especially women, to have enough of this mineral as it helps our hormones stay more balanced and ease PMS and menopause symptoms that are associated with a deficiency. Magnesium is a very important mineral to help muscles relax and can ease restless legs and cramps and overall greatly help ease tension and stress and improve sleep. The body can absorb magnesium really efficiently topically so using a magnesium rich cream on the legs and feet before bed can be very beneficial. We recommend the BetterYou Magnesium sleep lotion.

Create a Regular Bed Time Routine
- Consistent Sleep and Wake Times: If your schedule allows then aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This can take some getting used to but you will be amazed at how quickly your body will adjust and will wake naturally before your alarm has gone off. When setting this routine up be realistic about ow much sleep you want and need and what your evenings look like. It is no good saying you will go to bed at 8pm if the reality is you are still doing chores, putting to children to bed, or are simply wide awake at this time. Likewise, don’t set it too late as you will over stimulate yourself trying to stay up till that time. The average person needs 8 hours a night so 10.30pm-6.30am is a good guide depending on your schedule.
- Bedtime Routine: Develop a relaxing bed time routine to signal your body that it’s time to wind down. This can include having a cut off for food, introducing an evening drink that aids sleep, putting down electronic devices, journaling or meditating or having a relaxing bed. This routine does not need to be identical every night but should be similar where possible and all the activities included should be those that can be done at a slower pace to help you relax.
- Naturel Products: Include a naturel remedy in your sleep routine like the Sleep Well Granules that are designed not to help you fall asleep but to improve the quality of your sleep instead. These granules are flavoured with bitter orange, provide extracts of Lettuce, Lemon Balm, L-Tryptophan and Magnesium, all ingredients known to support better sleep. They are non addictive and fast acting and they won’t leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Simply pour the granules under your tongue 30 minutes before bed and let them dissolve and get to work for you.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment
- Relaxing bedroom: Make sure that your bedroom is a relaxing and tranquil space, one that promotes sleep and does not induce stress. Make sure it is tidy and free of clutter and that you don’t have things that might make you feel stressed on show. If you work from your bedroom have somewhere you can move your work stuff too or a way you can hide neatly so it’s not a reminder when you’re trying to sleep.
- Dark, Quiet, and Cool Room: As well as being relxing make sure your room is dark by using blackout curtains or blinds. If noise can be an issue for you then try earplugs, or a white noise machine, and keep the room temperature cool to avoid you feeling over heated or too cold in the night as this may disrupt your sleep.
- Comfortable Bed: Ensure your bed is comfy and that you have the right mattress firmness for you. Some people prefer soft and others firm, find out what you like and order accordingly. Investing in a decent mattress will help to improve your quality of sleep and most companies now offer a refund if you don’t like it. If you are not able to replace your mattress then consider getting a mattress topper instead. This can really upgrade your bed for a fraction of the price. We recommend the Hotel Suite Dual Layer Mattress Topper as it has two-layer construction, a supportive base and plush top meaning they are comfy and supportive. They are also hypoallergenic and can be machine washed.

- Pillows Also make sure that your pillows are comfy and supportive. Again find out what you like and test a few out and then consider the pillowcases you use too. The silk pillowcase are great for improving sleep because they are naturally insulating and temperature regulating. We like the 100% Mulberry Silk Pillowcases from Belledorm as the quality is brilliant and they come gift wrapped in a presentation box too. The beauty of these pillowcases is that as well as helping to improve sleep quality they also protect and benefit skin and hair whilst sleep.

- Limit Exposure to Light: Reduce exposure to bright screens and lights at least an hour before bed.
- Use Pillow Sprays: Just before you go to bed spray a pillow spray not just on your pillow but also around your room. Scents can be an effective way to get your brain into the sleep zone. By consistently spraying the same scent around your room and sheets before you sleep, you’ll eventually associate that fragrance with the idea of going to sleep. We recommend the Spa Ceylon Ayurveda Sleep Intense which is filled with a blend of powerful Ayurveda herbs and potent essential oils to promote dreamy, restful sleep. It smells amazing with a lavender essence and is reminiscent of a relaxing spa and as well as spraying it on your bedding you can also spray it across you body too.

Professional Help
- Consult a Doctor: If the above tips and tricks do not improve your quality of sleep or you have persistent sleep problems that are having a big impact on your health and wellbeing then consult a healthcare provider or sleep specialist for further evaluation and treatment.
Making these changes can significantly improve your sleep quality and help you with your healthy parent journey.