Author bio: Larissa Hazell helps parents who are anxious or confused about childcare so that they can understand how to choose the right childcare for their child and family with clarity and confidence. She does this by using her 15 years childcare experience to help parents understand what is important to them through her book, webinars, on a one-to-one basis.

How to Find the Right Childcare for your Family
Finding childcare is something most parents will need to do at some point. Choosing the right childcare can feel like an overwhelming and daunting task. There are so many options to choose from, how do you know what you actually need, let along which one is the one for your family?
The first thing to do, before even starting to look at what childcare is available, is to think about who you are as a parent, and how you want your child raised. There are so many things parents will do that are natural to them and think that is what every one does, but that is not the case! Make a note of all the things that are really important to you. You know all those times you said ‘ooo I would never do that when I am a parent!’ Now is the time to write those down if you still stand by them!
Here are a few different areas to consider:
Logistics can often be fairly set in stone so can help to narrow down your options. This includes the location you require. This could be near your home, train station or your place of work or study for example. Or even in your home if you would like to consider a nanny. Next are the days and hours. Some places will only accept children for a minimum of 2 days, and hours offered can vary drastically.
There are two parts to this. First is how the childcare provider communicates with children. The language we use with children is really important to how they see themselves, their importance and what they have ownership of. Observe how the childcare providers are talking to children in the setting or to your child. Ask them questions such as what they would say to a child who had taken a toy from another child or to a child who wasn’t eating their lunch. This will also help you see if their values align with your own.
The second part is how they will communicate with you. If you want a full run down of the day, then a nanny will be the best option. But if you are considering a childminder or nursery then ensure you know how they will communicate with you, how frequently and what will be included is that. Providers have different ways of communicating and it is important that you are comfortable with the insights you can expect to receive.

Childcare philosophies
For many parents, childcare philosophies will be understandably, completely alien but a quick Google can give you an insight into their key methods of teaching. Montessori is quite popular at the moment, but I would recommend reading into a few of the main philosophies childcare providers can follow before choosing. Not all providers follow one philosophy, many incorporate aspects of each of them. The ones I would recommend looking into are Montessori, Curiosity approach, Forest schools, Reggio Emilia and Steiner/Waldorf.
Take your child!
Don’t underestimate your child’s reaction. Your child is the one that will be spending the time there and it is important that you watch their body language and listen to what they say. It might be that they want to cling to you the whole time and that is ok. In this instance watch how the care provider reacts to this, how they try to engage with your child and follow their cues, and really importantly, ask what they would do if this was a drop off. Talk about the visit in the days following, after visiting a couple of places, your child might have a clear preference.
Ask questions
The main way you will know if a childcare provider is right is by asking lots of questions! Anything from what food will they eat, to what activities will they do and how often they go into the community. Every question you ask, gives an insight into how they interact with children in their care and if they align with your values and how you want your child raised.
The important thing to remember, is it is not about finding childcare where they align with EVERYTHING on your list, but the one you feel most aligned to, most supported by and your child is most comfortable at. The right childcare will make your feel comfortable and confident in their abilities and at ease to ask any questions you have.
Your chance to WIN
We have a copy of Larissa’s book, Questions to ask prospective childcare providers and childminders, to give away to one lucky reader.

Your ultimate journal and guide. This book has over 140 questions for you to ask prospective childcare providers! Written in a thought provoking way with the only right answer being what is important to you. The layout allows you to easily compare the different providers you meet with, their answers to your questions and journal your thoughts prior to and post visiting potential childcare providers. A must have book for any parent looking for childcare!
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- The giveaway is open to UK residents aged 18 and over.
- Only the prize listed will be won, there is no cash alternative.
- Larissa Hazell is responsible for organizing the prize, The Healthy Parent cannot be help responsible.
- Competition closes 3rd February at midnight.