books with purpose

Reading with children is a fantastic activity that has so many benefits. It helps them to recognise letters and sounds, practice repetition and rhyming, familiarise them with new words and help but those new words in context. Alongside the academic benefits there are other benefits too such as encouraging imagination and creativity, strengthening relationships and of course just having lots of fun in the process. There are so many incredible books out there that you can find stories for all occasions, covering all genres including some of the more tricky subjects. These books, books with purpose, are the ones that can really help us, as parents, to teach our children important messages without having to get too personal, tell them off, or make a big deal out of something. Instead we can read a story together, focus on the fictional characters and then discuss the story line and outcomes together. No matter what you want to tackle there are books to help, from empathy to family dynamics, traveling with kids to manners, exercise and nutrition to preparing for a first pet, there is a book to help.

Here are some books with purpose that you can enjoy with your children

Sticks and Stones by Cassie Brooks


Sticks and Stones is great for children who feel different in some way or are perhaps being taunted in school for being different.

It talls the story of a little boy, Elijah, who is being called weird at school because he likes to collect rocks. He explores what this means and how it makes him feel with his mum who helps him realise that hobbies make us different but not weird and that he can be whatever he wants to be.

It is a great conversation starter about how people can have different hobbies, likes and dislikes but no one person is better than anyone else we are all just the same with different interests and that’s okay. A great resource for addressing bullying from a young age and introducing empathy to children.

I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me by Cassie Brooks


I see the moon and the moon sees me is great if you have children who are nervous at night time, scared of the dark, or don’t like being a lone.

It tells the tale of a little boy, Elijah, who is anxious one evening when he can’t find his mum in he house. He realises she outside sitting on the step. Elijah’s mother thinks looking at the moon is soothing, but Elijah isn’t sure; it looks creepy to him. Elijah’s mother leads him out into the nighttime, explaining that, to see stars and the moon, it has to be dark outside. When Elijah can’t find the animals he hears, his mother explains, “We may not see them, but the moon does. Just like we see the moon, the moon sees us.” The evening outside with his mother comforts Elijah enough to relieve his fears.

Not only is this a book with a narrative purpose but it also offers an illustrative one too as the characters aren’t your average white characters. Elijah has curly hair and darker skin and his mum is fairer, larger and has tattoos helping to demonstrate that families come in all shapes and sizes and don’t need any explanation.

The Whale Who Disappeared by Emma Oldham

The whale who disappeared is a lovely story written by Emma Oldham, Conservation Biologist and Nature Campaigner, to inspire a new generation of young environmentalists to become their own superhero, and save our planet. It tells the story of Arry as she learns the truth about her beloved oceans and how people have driven sea creatures away through pollution. Arry goes on a mission to educate others and does what she can to help the whales return. It is a lovely book with a very important purpose that educates children without lecturing them, confusing them or boring them with an adult’s issue, instead it teaches them how they can make a difference giving practical examples that they could copy themselves such as creating posters and spreading the news.

If you want to address environmental issues then The Whale Who Disappeared this is a great book to start with.

Uselessness and Laziness

Uselessness and Laziness is a fun-filled uplifting and captivating story written in rhyme to brighten, enlighten, motivate, encourage and make you smile. The book tells the story of personified emotions, bringing them to life in a way that will help children identify them in themselves and others and allow them to see how different emotions can impact each other and how best to go about using them. A great book for those that want to tackle personal attributes and emotions with children without directing at them or their behaviour.

It has been written by Ann Tayo and illustrated by Nathan Hackett.