If you are expecting a baby and want to know how you can be an eco-friendly parent in that new born stage when single use plastic is everywhere, life is chaotic and planning can go out of the window then we have some easy to follow tips to help.
5 Ways to be an eco-friendly new parent
1. Cloth Nappies and wipes
One of the most eco-friendly choices you can make as a new parent is to use cloth nappies and wipes instead of disposable ones. There are a number of benefits to using cloth nappies but the main one is that by opting for cloth you are reducing your negative impact on the environmental as you will not e adding to the millions of dirty nappies already filling up the landfills.
2. Shop second hand
Where possible shop second hand. Babies are in and out of their clothes so quickly that some items will still look brand new and will have loads of life left in them. Use sites like facebook market place, vinted and ebay as well as car boot sales and charity shops to stock up. Shopping second hand reduces the amount of clothes being sent to landfill and saves you money too.
And don’t forget to sell your pre loved items on vinted when you’re finished with them too, if your not sure how then use this complete guide to selling on vinted.

You can also be an eco-friendly parent by buying second hand furniture for the nursery as well as other baby gadgets like the pram, breast pump, bouncers and toys. Giving new life to used products is an easy way to be eco-friendly.
3. Natural and Eco-friendly Baby Products
When shopping for baby care products like washes, creams and shampoos opt for natural baby care products, such as organic products, vegan products, or brands that are sustainable. Look for products with minimal packaging and ones that can be recycled easily. Babies require such small amounts of skin care products that buying one good natural brand will last a long time so although they may be slightly more expensive you wont need to replace them very often.
4. Borrow toys and books
Sign up for a library card and borrow new books each week. Borrowing books is much more environmentally friendly than buying new books and then only reading them a few times. It is also a great habit to get your children in to from a young age.

As well as borrowing books you can also borrow/rent games and toys form a number of online retailers too. These are not free like the library but they are much cheaper than buying brand new and it’s more eco-friendly and waste reducing. Renting games or equipment like baby slings is also a great way to try before you buy, especially for some of the more expensive items.
5. Grow your own
When it comes to the weaning stage, grow your own. Create a small garden space that is dedicated to growing fruit and veg that you can then use to introduce your child to food.
Remember, every small effort counts, and collectively these choices can make a positive impact on the environment for your child’s future.