bed bugs

Even though they are very small bed bugs can be a huge nuisance, once they’ve entered your home. Because they survive only on human blood and hide, in the smaller cracks and crevices, these parasites are hard to detect. They can leave very itchy and frustrating bites, although they don’t usually pose a health risk to humans. However, these bites can cause discomfort for days, and they leave marks. They appear as red patches and swellings and are usually in patterns in a line or cluster.

Bed bug bites usually don’t hurt, at first. They use a liquid to numb the skin. But they can itch. They can leave red welts. There are home remedies for bites from bed bugs. They can relieve pain. They can relieve discomfort.

Natural things to calm bites from bed bugs

Try remedies for bed bug bites, all of which you probably already have at home.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel, has over 100 medical uses, which include soothing skin from insect bites. This also applies to bites, caused by bed bugs. Apply the gel, to the affected areas of your skin. The amino acids in it will help, to cool it and reduce the itching and burning sensation.

Baths with oatmeal

Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory. It calms down angry skin. Create a paste, made of oatmeal and water. Apply it to the bite. Let it stay on the affected area, for around 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it.

Cold compresses

Use a cold compress, for example, ice, on the bitten areas of your skin. It will ease the itching and reduce swelling.


Toothpaste is an effective remedy for bed bug rashes. The menthol in it makes it a decent anti-itch, home remedy. But, you’ll need to apply a larger amount of toothpaste, than you would with other treatments.

Baking soda with water

For bites from bed bugs, a home remedy is baking soda with water. It’s also accessible. Apply it to the skin. Let it dry. Wipe it off, with a cotton swab.

Lemon juice

You can apply lemon juice, to bed bug bites. It is anti-inflammatory. It’s an excellent drying solution. It is a good home remedy. It’s convenient for bed bug rashes.

ACV is apple cider vinegar

Reduce bed bug bites itching. Use apple cider vinegar. Apply a cotton swab soaked in it, the bite. Do it for a few minutes.

Lavander essential oil

It is possible to repel bed bugs, with lavender oil. It has relaxing properties. It can reduce the discomfort of bites. Put some drops of lavender oil on them. Do it several times a day.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a remedy for bed bug bites. It is anti-inflammatory. Mix some drops of the oil and carrier oil. Apply it on the bed bug bite.

Soap and water

Wash the bed bug bites with mild soap, and water. Work the soap in your hands, until it turns into a thick, soapy foam. Rub it over the affected area liberally and repeat until the entire area is covered. Leave the suds on. Don’t rinse them. Allow them to dry on the bitten areas. You should experience relief from itching and prevent a skin infection.

Avoid scratching the bed bug bites

Bedbug bites can be infected, if you scratch them. There are bacteria under your fingernails. Avoid scratching the bed bug bites. It will prevent an infection. You may need antibiotic therapy. Or an antiseptic medication.

Tips on identifying allergic reactions to bed bugs

Bedbug bites appear on your skin that has been exposed. This can happen when you sleep. This can include your arms and legs, neck, shoulders, face, back, and stomach. These insects can bite every night, but their feeding patterns usually vary. Bedbugs, typically feed every 5 to 10 days. In heavily infested environments, that can happen more frequently.

Bed bug bites aren’t considered dangerous. But they can be very uncomfortable. Allergic reactions can also occur. Often bed bug bites can’t be distinguished from ones from other insects. Sometimes, a medical professional can’t give a proper diagnosis, by looking at them. You’ll need to look for signs of allergic reaction:

  • Multiple bites;
  • Blisters;
  • Signs of skin infection, such as tenderness or oozing discharge;
  • An allergic skin reaction, including reddened, swollen skin or hives;
  • Skin infection, which makes it red and swollen, tender, and sometimes even draining pus;
  • Fever.

When to seek medical help for bed bug bites

You can visit your general practitioner for a diagnosis of the bites if you can’t identify their source. However, there is a high chance, that they will also not be able to firmly give you a diagnosis because the symptoms look very similar to those from other insect bites and skin conditions.

In any case, if you go to the doctor, for this reason, keep a detailed record of everything you’ve done to treat the bites. This should include what you’ve applied to them and how often. They can prescribe a topical ointment. It will help you relieve the itching and inflammation. These ointments are usually stronger, than the home remedies. Or ones without a prescription.

Consult with your doctor, if the bites are there in 1 to 2 weeks. Consult with your doctor, if you have an allergic reaction. Your doctor can give you an injection.

Final words

There are many solutions for bed bug bites, which utilise items and ingredients, you already have in your house. If you’re suffering from a severe bed bug infestation, avoid their bites with bed bug pest control. Pest control technicians will perform an inspection. They will decide on the best treatment method to eliminate the bed bugs. But, this can take some time. They will likely need to visit you a second time because most chemical treatments only kill adult bed bugs but not unhatched eggs.